South Sudan
Basic Information About South Sudan:
Population: The population of South Sudan is 12,897,152.
GDP: $22.880 billion (2016 estimate)
Climate: South Sudan has two seasons, wet and dry. The climate is hot with heavy seasonal rainfall.
People: The Nuer people are significant minorities in the Greater Upper Nile region, consisting of the South Sudan states of Upper Nile, Jonglei, and Unity. The region also has a significant presence from Dinka (and other Nilotic people), the Shilluk people, and Murle people, as well as Moslem Arab tribes.
Religion: There are three main religions in South Sudan, African Traditional Religion, Christianity, and Islam. South Sudanese are mostly pluralistic, with the majority of them adhering to indigenous belief systems, which involve totems, lower gods and high God, and belief in the power of ancestors to look over the living. Others believe in both the indigenous systems and Christianity. South Sudan has a very small percentage of Muslims.
Capital: Juba is the capital of South Sudan.
Language: English is the official language of South Sudan; however, the Arabic language is also spoken. Other indigenous languages are Dinka, Nuer, Bari and Zande.
Currency: The South Sudanese pound is the official currency.
Time Zone: UTC+03:00