
Basic Information About Reunion:

Population: The current population of Réunion is 869,823.

GDP: $4.6 billion (2016)

Climate: The climate is tropical with two main seasons. Between October and March, the summer is very rainy and subject to hurricanes, with average temperatures of 28°C. Winter lasts from April to September; it is cooler and drier with temperatures of around 20°C. These seasons are modified in the mountains, where there is often fog and the temperature rarely exceeds 18°C. May and June are the best time to enjoy your travel as you avoid the tourist influx and the wettest season. 

Religion: The predominant religion is Christianity, notably Roman Catholicism, with a single (Latin Rite) jurisdiction, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saint-Denis-de-La Réunion. Religious Intelligence estimates Christians to be 80.9% of the population, followed by Hindus (10.7%) and Muslims (2.2%).

Capital: The capital is Saint Denis

Language: The island became an overseas department of France in 1946. The local language, spoken by the majority of the population, is Réunion Creole. The official language is French.

Currency: Euro

Time Zone:  UTC+04:00