
Basic Information About Myanmar:

Population: The population of Myanmar (formerly Burma) is 54,577,662.

GDP:  $ 242.0 billion (2016)

Climate:  Most of Myanmar has a tropical monsoon climate with three seasons: Cool – November to February is warm to hot during the day and the air is relatively dry. Hot – March to May is intensely hot in most of the country. In the cool and hot seasons, you are unlikely to experience any rain.  

People:  There are more than 135 different ethnic groups in Burma, each with its own history, culture and language. The seven largest minority nationalities are the Chin, the Kachin, the Karenni (sometimes called Kayah), the Karen (sometimes called Kayin), the Mon, the Rakhine, and the Shan.

Religion:  90% profess Theravada Buddhism (roughly 48 million), 4% Christianity (1.65 million Baptists and 550,000 Roman Catholics), 4% Islam(2.2 million), 1% Hinduism (550,000), and the remaining 1% consists of Mahayana Buddhism, Vajrayana Buddhism and Animism.

Capital:  The capital of Myanmar (Burma) is Naypyidaw.

Language:  Around 80% of the overall population of Myanmar speaks in Burmese, the official Myanmar language.

Currency:  The Burmese Kyat is the currency of Myanmar (Burma).

Time Zone:  UTC+06:30