
Basic Information About Pakistan:

Population: The population of Pakistan is 194,585,606.

GDP:  $ 882.3 billion (2016)

Climate:  Pakistan has four seasons: a cool, dry winter from December through February; a hot, dry spring from March through May; the summer rainy season, or southwest monsoon period, from June through September; and the retreating monsoon period of October and November.  

People: The population is made up of different ethnic groups, such as dominant Punjabis, Siraikis, Sindhis, Pakhtuns, Baloch, Brahvis, Kashmiris, Hazaras, Urdu-speaking immigrants from India or Mohajirs, Gojars, Kohistanis, Chitralis, and a dozen or so Dardic languages-speaking lingo-ethnic groups.

Religion:  Islam is the state religion of Pakistan, and about 95-98% of Pakistanis are Muslim. The Muslims are largely divided into two sects, Sunni Islam and Shia Islam. The Shia Islam in Pakistan is practiced by 5-20% of the Muslims and the remaining larger number of Muslims practice Sunni Islam.

Capital:  Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan.

Language:  Urdu is the official language of Pakistan.

Currency:  The Pakistani Rupee is the currency of Pakistan.

Time Zone:  UTC+05:00