Saint Martin
Basic Information on Saint Martin:
Population: The population of Saint Martin is 35,518.
GDP: $ 599 million (2008)
Climate: Saint-Martin has a tropical climate. The average annual temperature is 80.6°F, peaking at around 89.6°F. Temperatures rarely dip below 68°F.
People: Combined, the French and Dutch sides of St. Martin
Religion: The largest religious communities are Catholic, Anglican, Adventist, Protestant, Voodoo, Methodist, Muslim, Rastafarian and Hindu. An authentic St. Martin tradition, this magical music can be heard at nightfall or on Sunday mornings coming from modest temples to the grandest of churches.
Capital: Marigot is the capital of St. Martin.
Language: Dutch is the official language of St. Maarten but the islanders speak mostly English with a West Indian lilt.
Currency: The two official currencies on St. Martin are the Euro on the French side and the Florin (Netherlands Antillean guilder or florin) on the Dutch side. US dollars are also accepted across the island.
Time Zone: UTC-04:00