There is something magical when your birthday falls on a Friday. Your happy hormones (Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, Endorphins) levels are usually higher on that one particular day.
Did you know that the average person only gets about 10-12 Friday birthdays during his or her lifetime? Also, most heart attacks occur on a Monday morning. Remember, you don’t need a special day to celebrate; God made you special just the way you are, so celebrate life every day like it’s your birthday and #repeat Thanks for the kind real real birthday words, but y’all know this will be every day lol. Don’t ever grow up because adulting is boring and #liveeverydaylikefriday
One of the most controversial topic a year after the pandemic is: Should schools reopen? Social “scientists” studying the effects of COVID19 suggest that the lack of social interaction is causing an increase in suicide rates and depression among teenagers. One group argues that mental health is at stake; therefore, send y’all bad ass kids back to school. On the other hand, some teachers contend that despite the implemented safety precautions, they still do not feel safe going back to the classroom. Basically what the teachers want to say is, “for this little bitty ass money y’all are paying us teachers, keep y’all badass Rona kids at home.” What do you think?
The traditional daily work structure of working in an office every day will become a thing of the past post COVID19. The coronavirus pandemic will forever change the way we live and work, and now companies must implement a “new way to work” culture that adheres to the effects of this pandemic to survive. Before COVID19, some bosses refused to adopt a flexible working schedule for their employees, which also includes teleworking. It was difficult for some supervisors to comprehend that their employees can be productive working from home. Thanks to COVID19, those old-fashioned ways of thinking are slowly changing after six weeks of isolation.
There is enough empirical evidence that suggests that a flexible work schedule can significantly improve productivity and employee morale. Furthermore, allowing employees to telework will reduce traffic, pollution, and overhead cost. The truth, we waste so much time at work attending unnecessary meetings, idle coffee room gossips, smokers taking smoke breaks, etc. that nothing gets done at work. Before COVID19, some companies, including the government, offered some employees a flexible work schedule to better manage their professional and personal life. However, the idea of even teleworking is usually met with stiff resistance from those dinosaurs’ bosses. Some bosses gain satisfaction from the “butts in seat” mentality, meaning if they can’t see the employees, then they can’t manage effectively. Change – open to new ideas, better ways of doing things is a difficult concept for some supervisors.
I think there are generational gaps in many companies, and some managers lack effective strategies to bridge the generation gaps. For example, Baby Boomers, such as my parents, obtain satisfaction with having more money, a secure title, recognition, and having respect at work. Conversely, Millennials, and Generation Z’s, such as my children, enjoy the flexibility to maintain a work/life balance over a promotion. Baby Boomers prefer to communicate in person, while the newer generation prefers emails and text messages. Baby Boomers live to work and have little work/life balance while Millennials and Generation Z’s strongly believe in a work/life balance. A 2015 EY Global Generations survey showed that two-thirds of Millennials and Generation Z’s would give up a promotion or make career sacrifices to have more time with families or to secure a better work/life balance.
With the majority of citizens around the world now working from home, parents can promptly attend to their children, bond with families, and save money on gas. The rapidly evolving technology has made it possible for employees to work remotely and students to attend classes virtually. Some companies have a secured Virtual Private Network (VPN) that will allow employees to access emails, the company portal, and even their desktop phone
The coronavirus also impacts our environment. A recent report by NBC News shows that the coronavirus has sent pollution plummeting. With traffic-free roads, plane-free skies, and widespread malls and business closing, our planet is the beneficiary. I was surprised to see that China, the world’s biggest polluter, showed a 25% reduction in carbon emission. But why does it take a pandemic to reduce emissions?
So, what will our workforce look like post COVID19? With the significant number of Boomers retiring in the next five years and leaving those leadership positions, companies must implement new strategies to attract, recruit, and retain top talent. According to a 2016 survey of accounting and financial firms by Hinge Research, more than 70 percent of all practices face recruiting and retention challenges. Some companies are failing miserably at attracting and retaining top talent because they are still using traditional recruitment and retention methods. I suggest that companies explore innovative recruitment and retention strategies, such as offering telework on specific days as part of the employees’ benefits package. Researchers indicate that that Millennials and Generation Z’s spend more than 30 hours a week on social media, attending online schools, video conferencing, and holding meetings in coffee shops and online conference rooms. It makes sense that companies create a similar culture that integrates some of these features.
What about those strict companies’ policies mothers face after giving birth? Some organizations are changing their policies and offer more paid time off to help transition mothers back in the workplace. Women play a crucial role in the workplace, so it makes good business sense to assist mothers. No one could have predicted the global effects of COVID19; however, we can implement effective common sense strategies to mitigate the effects and prepare for the future.
Hurricane Harvey is a reminder to focus on what matters most. If you had 10 minutes to leave your home that you have poured your entire life into because your life was in danger what would you take?
We expend too much of our time and energy in pursuit of greener grass, accomplishments, working, and time-consuming home projects. The truth, we don’t take anything when we die. Hurricane Harvey reminded us that our material and worldly possessions are not so valuable as we thought.
Although we need money to satisfy our basic human needs, food, clothes, shelter, and to pay our bills. The non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being – Steve Jobs. The richest people cannot take their money with them, and the most humbled cannot take their pride after death. For we brought nothing into the world, and neither can we carry anything out of it (Timothy 6:7).
In this journey of life, someone close to you will be diagnosed with a life threatening disease, die from natural causes, or from tragedy. Bottom line is at some point we will all die, it’s inevitable! This morning I asked myself, “what is really important to me and what can I do today?” So what will you take in those 10 minutes?
I am convinced that life is what you make of it. See, each day, we are given 24 hrs, and we must use it all. Unfortunately, we cannot gift someone else nor save those 24 hrs for another day.
So you have a choice to make. You can use your 24 hrs and be happy with the blessing you have or be unhappy with the challenges in life. Either way, you cannot change the 24 hrs.
Tomorrow is here again, so live the shit out of those 24 hrs until you have a negative balance… #liveeverydaylikefriday
Most people I know delay their dreams and follow the standard script in life, “The American Dream.” Go to school and obtain an education so that you can get a good job, get married and buy a house with a white picket fence. Afterward, buy a car, have two to five kids, and get a dog. Perhaps one of the most exasperating things, yet we tend to follow this unwritten rule of how to live. We usually have a stable 9 to 5 job then spend the next ten years paying for the student loan we borrowed to get the stable job. Plus, we get a thirty-year mortgage to pay for the house with the white picket fence. After five years, we move to a bigger house and repeat the process. It is a vicious cycle, who came up with this?
I mean, it is all so predictable. When the car is not good enough, we trade it in for a newer model and continue to make car payments. The 48 inch 1080 TV is not good enough, we upgrade to the newer 65 inch 4K smart TV. On and on it goes.
Caring for our kids and that greedy dog is very expensive. So we make a rational decision to stay home with the kids because it is cost effective; however, we must plan in advance for a simple date night with our partner. We delay our life, dreams, and happiness for the next 18 years hoping to resume it once the kids are out of the house, but they will never leave. We convince ourselves that we will go back to all the dreams we put on hold because somewhere in the game of life we forgot to also live.
You work and pay taxes for the next forty years until you are almost dead. You hope to make it to retirement so that you can enjoy life after. However, by that time you will be too old with little energy to enjoy it. You then sit on the couch and pay more bills until it’s your time to die.
So you look in the mirror blankly and ask yourself, “where did the time go and what happened to my dream?” That dream you once had become a distant memory, and now you can’t get the time back. You have spent all your life working, paying bills and living according to the world’s unwritten rules. I refused to do this; I refused just to pay bills and die.
Do not let your life roll by and then regret the things that you did not do in life. Most people sit in their 9 to 5 offices during the week and look forward to Friday with a zeal that is unhealthy. How about living every day like it’s Friday? To Live Every Day Like Friday is a simple mindset starting with being happy with yourself. The trick is to find that work-life balance, do the things you are passionate about, focus on doing more of what makes you happy. It will never be the right time, so Live Every Day Like It’s Friday.
There is something magical about “Fridays” that makes me feel happier and more relaxed. Some say it’s the golden child of the weekdays while others call it the superhero of the workweek. Regardless of how many hours that I have worked, or the amount of money I make, Fridays are my happy days.
In the many countries I have visited, Friday is usually the last workday of the week and is not like the other days. Most people dislike going to work on Monday because it is four long days to get to Friday. Some people tend to come out of their shells on Fridays, they let loose, have a few drinks, party, dance, and still, have two days left to recover. I don’t know about you, but I love Fridays.
There are so many interesting facts related to Friday. For example, Black Friday is the day with the highest shopping discounts. It’s the Friday after Thanksgiving, and the unofficial beginning of the holiday season; people feel joy and happiness even if they are broke. Then we have Good (Holy) Friday, the day when Jesus Christ gave his life for the human salvation.
Friday also took its place in the popular culture. We all know about the TGIF (Thank God it’s Friday) restaurants and bars. Not only that, Hollywood made so many films about Friday: First, there is the Friday the 13th franchise with crazy Jason killing people with an ax. Some people believe bad things will happen on Friday the 13th, so they stay home. Then there is the comedy series “Friday,” “Next Friday,” and “Friday After Next” by Ice Cube. “Friday Night Lights” is about a high school football team in Texas, and “Freaky Friday” is about a mother and daughter switching bodies.
Limassol Carnival Parade
So what if you could live every day like Friday? Live a simple but full life with joy and happiness! A life that you forget about the drama, challenges, stress, and negativity. Well, I don’t know about you but I want to Live Every Day Like Friday.