Basic Information About Australia:
Population: The population of Australia is 24,460,649.
GDP: $ 1.1 trillion (2016)
Climate: The seasons in the temperate zone are described in terms of European seasons applied to the southern hemisphere in the following sequence: Summer: December to February. Autumn: March to May. Winter: June to August. More than 90 percent of Australians are of predominantly European (white) ancestry, despite recent increases in the Aboriginal population and immigration from Asia. About 3 percent of the population is indigenous—Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders—while about 7 percent is of Asian origin.
People: More than 90 percent of Australians are of predominantly European (white) ancestry, despite recent increases in the Aboriginal population and immigration from Asia. About 3 percent of the population is indigenous—Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders—while about 7 percent is of Asian origin.
Religion: 61.1% of Australians classify themselves Christian: 25.3% identifying themselves as Catholic and 17.1% as Anglican. Another 7.2% of Australians identify themselves as followers of non-Christian religions.
Capital: Canberra is the capital of Australia.
Language: Australian English has a distinctive accent and vocabulary. 76.8% of people spoke only English at home. Other languages spoken at home included Mandarin 1.6%, Italian 1.4%, Arabic 1.3%, Cantonese 1.2% and Greek 1.2%.
Currency: The Australian Dollar is the currency of Australia.
Time Zone: Most of Australia uses three standard time zones, Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) which is UTC/GMT+10, Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) which is UTC/GMT + 9 1/2 and Australian Western Time (ASWT) which is UTC/GMT +8.