Samoa American

Basic Information About Samoa, American:

Population: The population of American Samoa is 55,631.

GDP:  $ 711 million (2013)

Climate:  American Samoa tropical climate has two seasons: a wet summer season (between October and May), and a slightly cooler and drier season (June to September). The average rainfall is 125 inches annually, occurring mostly between December and March.

People: Pacific Islander 92.6% (includes  Samoan 88.9%, Tongan 2.9%, other 8%), Asian 3.6% (includes  Filipino 2.2%, other 1.4%), Mixed 2.7% and Other 1.2%.

Religion:  Christian 98.3%, Other 1% and unaffiliated 0.7%.

Capital:  Pago Pago—the capital of American Samoa—is one of the largest villages and is located on the eastern side of Tutuila island in Ma’oputasi County district #9.

Language:   Official languages are English and Samoan.

Currency:  The country uses the United States dollar as its currency.

Time Zone: UTC-11:00