Basic Information About Paraguay:

Population: The population of Paraguay is 6,763,640.

GDP:  $ 58.3 billion (2016)

Climate:  The climate of Paraguay can be called sub-tropical. Paraguay has a rainy season during summer from October to April. Average annual rainfall is about 1,000 mm in the Asunción area, about 1500 mm in the forest eastern regions and 800 mm in the Chaco.

People: Indigenous peoples in Paraguay, or Native Paraguayans, include 17 ethnic groups belonging to five language families. While only a 1.7% of Paraguay’s population is fully indigenous, 95% of the population identifies as being partially of native heritage; however, the majority do not identify as being indigenous but as Mestizos. Most of the Indian population lives in the northwestern part of the country, the Gran Chaco.

Religion:  Roman Catholicism is the dominant religion, but all people are free to follow whichever faith they choose. The total population is about 90% Roman Catholic. The remaining 10% consisted of mainline Protestant, evangelical Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, and Baha’i groups.

Capital: Asunción is the capital of Paraguay.

Language:  The Guarani language, along with Spanish, is an official language of Paraguay and is spoken by 90% of the population.

Currency: The Paraguayan Guarani is the currency of Paraguay.

Time Zone: UTC-04:00