
Basic Information About Uruguay:

Population: The population of Uruguay is 3,449,696.

GDP:  $ 70.0 billion (2016)

Climate:  If you live in the northern hemisphere of the world then your summer months will usually be July through to September. But because Uruguay is in the southern hemisphere, its seasons are the opposite way round. Summer time is from December – February while July – September are the coldest months of the year. 


People:  Uruguay is, along with most of the Americas, a melting pot of different peoples, with the difference that it has traditionally maintained a model that promotes cultural assimilation, hence the different cultures have been absorbed by the mainstream. Uruguay has one of the most heterogeneous populations in South America; the most common ethnic backgrounds are Spanish, especially Castilians, Catalans, Galicians, and Canarians, followed by Italians, Portuguese, and French.

Religion:  According to the most recent official survey approximately 58.1% of Uruguayans define themselves as Christian (47% Roman Catholic, 11.1% Protestant), and approximately 40.89% of the population professes no religion (23.2% as “believing in God but without religion”, 17.2% as atheist or agnostic), 0.6% as followers of Umbanda or other African religions, 0.5% as Jewish, 0.1% Buddhist and 0.4% chose “other”.

Capital: Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay.


Language:  Spanish is the official language.

Currency: The Uruguayan Peso is the currency of Uruguay.

Time Zone: UTC-03:00